When to Know if You Require a Lawyer to Assist in a Workers Comp Claim

by | Sep 3, 2015 | Law And Legal Services

Have you recently been injured on the job or have a loved one that has been? Are you not sure what you are entitled to or has your claim been denied? If you answered yes to these questions you should consider hiring a Chicago Workers Compensation Attorney to consult with about your claim. They can help you determine if you have a case and the amount of compensation you will require to keep from being taken advantage of. Legal counsel will represent you in and out of the courtroom to help you win your claim when it comes to being injured on the job. This is vital when the accident has caused a severe enough injury you may never be able to work again or unable to complete the job you had before.

When to Hire Legal Counsel

   * You fail to receive your benefits quickly or have been denied your claim by your employer. Workers comp insurance companies and employers routinely will deny an employee’s claim to a legitimate injury. They are only looking out for themselves and how they can save money on denying your claim.

   * You should hire an attorney when the settlement you are being offered will not cover all the expenses you have occurred from the accident and does not cover your lost wages.

   * Your injury is so severe that you are unable to return to the job you had before because you are unable to complete your duties. Perhaps even the injury is preventing you from working any job at all.

   * If you have been demoted, fired, or hours have been cut by your employer in retaliation for filing the claim against them.

   * If you have to receive benefits from Social Security an attorney can help you offset the portions that you receive.

A Reputable Attorney Will Do the Work for You

You have enough stress already caused by the injury, legal counsel will help reduce that stress and any frustration you may feel by handing the case for you. An attorney will meet any deadlines you may have in filing your paperwork. A legal firm will have a team of experts that will know how to investigate your case and discover vital information that can help your claim. A lawyer will know how to handle the insurance agents so you are not taken advantage of during a vulnerable period.

Need a Chicago Workers Compensation Attorney to help you file or dispute a claim against your employer? Visit Shea Law Group to discover the variety of services this company can provide you.

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