It’s absolutely true that when you’re trying to eat a burrito, answer your cell phone and adjust the air conditioning in your vehicle, you’re gunning for a traffic violation. Sometimes your foot gets heavy on that gas pedal, or you don’t see the yield sign, it’s...
Jarvis Naquin
The Need for Child Support
Marriage is one of the stages that mark a great part in your life. This unfortunately might not work out as expected hence leading to separation or divorce. In such scenarios, both you and your ex-partner have to decide who is responsible for the children you may be...
Wrongfully Accused? Consult DUI Attorney in Harrisburg PA.
If you’ve recently been accused of driving while under the influence, you could be facing serious penalties. The punishments that are administered are usually determined by blood alcohol levels. Even a first time offense requires that the offender pay some fairly...
Three Reasons to Hire a Personal Injury Attorney
If you have received an injury as the result of another person’s action or inaction, you may be able to gain compensation for your losses. But how do you navigate the challenging insurance claim process or even press your case against someone who has caused you harm?...
Deciding if a Short Sale is Right for You
As an alternative to foreclosure, short sales have become widely chosen as the next best choice to bankruptcy. A Short sales West palm is when your mortgaged property is sold, usually for less than the total debt that you owe. Short sales occur when the borrow is...