How to Get Help from a Nursing Home Abuse Law Attorney in St. Charles, MO

by | Jul 2, 2018 | Attorney

Nursing home abuse happens more than most people realize, putting lives in danger. When the loved ones of a disabled person or the elderly place their family member in a home, they expect them to receive the best of care so their health and well-being are protected. When abuse occurs, the nursing home and its staff need to be held accountable for their actions. When this type of abuse occurs, many family members hire a nursing home abuse law attorney in St. Charles, MO.

Signs of Nursing Home Abuse or Neglect

  • The patient begins to lose noticeable amounts of weight with no real reason for the weight loss.
  • The patient has unexpected injuries, and the cause cannot be explained.
  • The patient seems afraid and does not talk when staff is present.
  • The patient’s hygiene is not being properly taken care of.
  • The patient is reported to have many unexplained accidents.
  • The patient shows signs of sexual trauma.
  • The patient’s health suddenly begins rapidly deteriorating.

Should a loved one notice any of the above signs, it is imperative they contact the authorities right away so their family member can be fully protected. Meeting with the hire a nursing home abuse law attorney in St. Charles, MO allows the family members to learn more about the law and their rights as they pertain to seeking compensation for the abuse.

How Can an Attorney Help?

An attorney helps people get the justice and compensation they deserve. They will perform an investigation so proper evidence can be gathered and used to prove liability. The more information that can be gathered, the better equipped the attorney will be to prove the case in court.

Negotiations will take place with the nursing home and its officials. This type of case can be filed outside of criminal charges and does not depend on a guilty verdict. If your loved one has been injured in a nursing home, you can learn more about how an attorney can help when you browse our website. Call the office today to promptly schedule your appointment.

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