A Guide To The Lemon Law In California

by | Aug 8, 2017 | Law

Next, to your home, your automobile is your biggest single purchase, and it is only right that your new car gives you flawless performance. Unfortunately, a small percentage of new cars are lemons but thanks to the North Carolina Lemon Law and California Lemon Law, buyers who end up with one are protected.

The lemon law applies to new vehicles that, after purchase, show serious defects that simply can’t be fixed even though you have given the manufacturer ample opportunity to do so. In circumstances such as this, if your vehicle meets the established criteria in the state you most likely can get a refund or a new car.

What is a “lemon” under California law?

The Song Beverly Consumer Warranty Act governs the California Lemon Law; it simply states that if, after 18 months from the date the car was delivered to you or if it has yet to register 18,000 miles on the odometer and the following has taken place, then you have recourse.

* There must have been 2 or more attempts to fix a problem that could result in death or serious injury
* The vehicle manufacturer has tried to fix the same warranty problem four times minimum
* The car has been unavailable to you for an aggregate of thirty days or more

If your vehicle meets these criteria, then you can ask the manufacturer to refund the money you paid for it or to give you a replacement. If the manufacturer refuses you have two options; take the matter to arbitration or hire an attorney that knows California lemon law.

Records are important:

The responsibility for keeping accurate records of when you had service and for what reason, don’t expect the dealer or manufacturer to do this for you. Right from the day, the car is delivered, it is in your best interest to log all phone conversations, keep copies of correspondence, service reports and days the car was unavailable.

If you have a lemon and you live in California, you are protected by the California Lemon Law. For further information and links to experienced attorneys that can help, please visit LemonLawAmerica.com.

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