A Criminal Lawyer in Montgomery County Can Help Those Accused of Public Safety Crimes

by | Aug 26, 2015 | Lawyers

Crimes against public safety are those that affect members of the public rather than being aimed at one person. These crimes can range from minor offenses such as public intoxication to serious misdemeanors like weapons crimes. A Criminal Lawyer in Montgomery County will say that public safety crime penalties can accomplish two goals: they can prevent people from behaviors that present a danger to the community, and they can actually protect certain groups of people from harm.

Examples of Public Safety Crimes

Public safety crimes can include curfew violations, underage drinking, and disturbing the peace. Handgun law violations are in this category as well as are loitering, fireworks violations, and making false terrorism reports. Behavior that’s legal in one area may be banned in another. For instance, laws prohibit alcohol consumption in some places but allow it to others. These crimes vary by location, and a Criminal Lawyer in Montgomery County can advise clients on state law.

Legal Penalties for Crimes Against Public Safety

The punishment for crimes against the public’s safety depends on the severity and the nature of the crime. In most cases, these crimes are misdemeanors that are punishable by jail terms and fines. In some instances, lesser violations result in a citation and a small fine. In other cases, a simple misdemeanor can turn into a felony if it’s a repeat offense.

Weapons Violations

While gun ownership is legal in America, many areas have strict laws on the topic. Some jurisdictions do not allow felons to have guns and others require extensive background checks. Some laws bar specific kinds of weapon or limit areas where it is legal to carry. These laws are strictly enforced, and people have found themselves need a Criminal Lawyer in Montgomery County even if they had no plans to harm anyone.

Hiring an Attorney When Charged With a Public Safety Crime

These crimes are different from others because they involve the safety of the public and not one person. Due to the nature of these offenses, they can be punished severely. If a person needs help after being charged with public safety offense, they should consult a Criminal Lawyer in Montgomery County right away.

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