Why Should Anyone Hire a Car Accident Lawyer in Tacoma?

by | Aug 3, 2015 | Lawyers

The law requires car insurance to protect those who are in car accidents because of another person. Unfortunately, not everyone has insurance and those who do may not have enough insurance to cover the accident. In some cases, the insurance company won’t be willing to cover the accident even though the person has insurance. These are all times when the victim of the car accident will want to contact a Car Accident Lawyer in Tacoma.

Just because the person who caused the accident doesn’t have insurance or doesn’t have adequate insurance doesn’t mean they don’t have to pay for the accident. A negligent driver is going to be liable for the victim’s compensation regardless of the amount of insurance they have. The victim is entitled to compensation for any injuries and damages including medical bills, car repair bills, lost wages, and any other expenses directly related to the accident. A lawyer can help the victim recover the full amount of compensation from the liable person or the amount the insurance company isn’t going to cover.

In some cases, the person who causes the accident will have insurance but the insurance company will refuse to pay the victim a settlement. Typically, the insurance does this by claiming the victim was partially or fully responsible for the accident. When this happens, a Car Accident Lawyer in Tacoma can prove their client did not have any part in causing the accident and is eligible to receive compensation. They may be able to do this through negotiations with the insurance company, but in some cases they will need to take the case to court and prove the victim is innocent and entitled to compensation.

Anytime a person is injured in a car accident, it’s a good idea to contact a Car Accident Lawyer in Tacoma. Even if the insurance company is willing to pay a settlement, the person will be able to ensure they’re getting an adequate amount to financially recover from the accident. Anyone who has been in an accident and would like to learn more about how a lawyer can help should visit the website for Sadler Ladenburg in Tacoma.

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