Make Sure Your Workers Compensation Claim Is Paid

by | Jun 1, 2015 | Lawyers

Insurance companies do not like to pay out on a claim, this is the same whether the policy is for an auto accident or workers comp. Insurance companies are always on the look-out for reasons to deny a claim in its entirety or at least minimize the payout. If you were injured in the work place you are entitled to certain workers comp benefits, these benefits will run until such time you are ready to resume working. To ensure that you are not denied your rightful benefits and to ensure the benefits run their full course there are a number or rules that are in-force and must be adhered to. If you fail to follow the rules you will probably need to hire a Chicago workers compensation attorney.

   * Reporting: This is the most important thing that you have to do, report the injury and make sure it is reported in the short window allowed. Missing the deadline to report, usually 30 days, may not stop you from claiming but it is a risk you do not want to take. If you incurred an injury that you think will result in lost work days report it to the company immediately.

   * Witnesses: If the accident was witnessed by anyone, get their names. In the event you are faced with problems getting your benefits it may prove pivotal if someone who saw the accident happen can attest to the circumstances.

   * Medical care: If you feel the injury is such that it needs medical attention then arrange to see a doctor, if the injury is so severe that it requires immediate attention ask your employer to arrange transport to the emergency room of the nearest hospital; do not wait. The insurance company will try to say that if you didn’t seek medical attention then you really weren’t hurt.

   * Accident reports: Your employer will expect that you will complete a detailed accident report. The report must include all the details of how you were injured. If you do a great deal of repetitive work this may be the underlying cause of the injury, include in the report the details of your work assignment. If you are not up to completing the report when requested to do so by your employer, then don’t; fill it up when you are up to it so your attention is on the event and not your recovery.

If the insurance company or your employer seem to be making it difficult for you to get your benefits then do not hesitate to contact a Chicago workers compensation attorney.

If you are in a situation where you feel you are being unfairly treated after an industrial accident you may wish to consider hiring a Chicago workers compensation attorney. Visit Shea Law Group website for more information.

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