Identifying A Biological Father Through Paternity Law Attorney In Honolulu

by | Apr 9, 2015 | Lawyer

In Hawaii, a father identified through state-provided child support programs has the right to file a paternity suit. In these cases, the mother wasn’t married to the father and identified him when signing up for the program. A paternity suit is the most effective method for establishing if the potential father possesses a biological link to the child.

How to Establish Paternity

In a paternity suit, the individual identified as the father is filing a motion to acquire DNA testing. The test determines if they are the biological father of the child in question. If the DNA test determines that the child isn’t the biological offspring of the man identified, the mother cannot acquire child support by identifying them as the father.

However, if the court determines that the individual is the biological father, he is required to repay any child-support payments received by the mother from the government program. The mother could also file a claim against him for back child-support payments. These payments begin on the child’s birth date. Men who wish to file a motion for this reason, should contact a Paternity Law Attorney in Honolulu now.

Legitimizing a Child

When the mother isn’t married to the biological father, she isn’t required to list a father on the child’s birth certificate. This prevents the father from automatically acquiring parental rights when the child is born. In these cases, he is required to request a DNA test to identify himself as the biological father. When the mother refuses to comply with this request, the father must file a motion in court to order her to submit the child for testing. After paternity is established, the father can acquire visitation with the child. In some cases, it is possible for him to acquire joint custody.

Paternity cases are utilized to identify a biological father. These proceedings are required to enforce child-support orders through government programs. They are also used by fathers who wish to become a part of their child’s life when the mother is uncooperative. To learn more about these cases, contact a Paternity Law Attorney in Honolulu or Click Here for further details.

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