Injured in an Accident? Talk to a Car Accident Lawyer in Orange, VA

by | Jun 25, 2014 | Attorney

When one is injured in a car accident and they are not at fault, they are entitled to receive compensation for their injuries, lost wages, and property damage from the driver who is at fault. Often, fault is disputed, especially if there are no witnesses to an accident. Then there are all of the hassles of dealing with insurance companies. They obviously are not going to pay out any more than they must, and it can be difficult for the average person to receive the actual amount of compensation they are entitled to. In fact, they often don’t even realize how much they are able to get, and will take settlements from insurance companies just because they sound good and things will be over and done with.

The first thing to do following an auto accident is to seek medical treatment for any injuries. Then, it is a good idea to talk to a Car Accident Lawyer In Orange VA. Attorneys can handle every aspect of an accident insurance case, from filing the initial claim to settling claims in courtrooms. If someone has had their claim denied, they definitely need to hire the services of a good lawyer. This will likely be the only way that they will be able to receive compensation for their injuries.

When someone is in a serious accident that results in injuries, they are going to have medical expenses. Depending on the extent of their injuries, these expenses could add up to tens of thousands of dollars. Not only will there be medical expenses, there will also be a lot of lost wages, and likely vehicle damages to pay for. The at-fault driver’s insurance coverage is supposed to pay for these expenses. A Car Accident Lawyer In Orange, VA will make sure that this is the case.

Anyone who has been in an accident that was not their fault and has expenses as a result of the accident is entitled to have their expenses covered. The best way to ensure that this happens is to have good legal representation. Don’t wait until the time limit has passed to file a claim. Contact Dulaney Lauer and Thomas LLP for a free consultation today.

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