Civil Litigation with Personal Injury Lawyers in Bradenton, FL

by | Apr 3, 2020 | Lawyers

If you are have been involved in a situation which resulted in damage to you by another person, civil litigation may be just around the corner. One of the most effective methods to assist you in winning lost money as a result of this injury may involve filing a lawsuit. This will require the expertise of injury lawyers Bradenton FL to assist you in taking this legal action.

Civil litigation is a common, but complex method frequently used to assist in resolving legal disputes. Civil refers to the dispute being between individuals or in some cases, among organizations. This involves the steps that occur during the lawsuit.

The Plaintiff

The person who initiates the lawsuit is referred to as the plaintiff. This person will met with personal injury lawyers in Bradenton, FL and discuss the details of the case. This will require the plaintiff to list the allegations and charges against the defendant. These will be issued and reviewed by the attorney.

Once the lawyer for the plaintiff reviews the charges, he or she will draft the legal document and serve it with the court system. This defendant will receive a copy by certified mail or the sheriff. This must be responded to within 30 days.

The Process of Discovery

It is important for the details of the case to be fully disclosed to the best personal injury lawyers in Bradenton FL area. This is done during the discovery process and will allow for a number of exchanges to take place. There are four crucial parts to the discovery process and these are listed below:

Written Interrogatories


Requests for Admissions

Requests for Production Documents

When receiving any of these during discovery, it is important to provide thorough answers to strengthen your case.

The Mediation

It is possible a case may be settled at mediation. This is a court ordered conference that will attempt to settle the dispute. There will be a mediator that will attend, as well as the plaintiff and defendant involved in the case.

Finally, rely on the expert lawyers at Luhrsen Goldberg LLC to assist you with any civil litigation you may be involved in.

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