Why You Should Find A Personal Injury Lawyer In Philadelphia

by | Dec 13, 2013 | Lawyers

You can Find a Personal Injury Lawyer In Philadelphia locally to assist you in the litigation process. This process provides you with the opportunity to seek monetary damages from the party that is directly or indirectly responsible for your injuries. Your lawyer will discuss your case with you to determine whether you have a viable case that is conclusive and presentable to the court. He or she may require further evidence before filing a claim. If this is the case, your attorney guides you through the process necessary for acquiring this evidence.

Producing a Solid Case

In personal injury cases, it is vital to construct a creditable case based on factual evidence. Your attorney collects this evidence through consultations with you and witnesses who saw the accident occur. If law enforcement was involved the officer who produced the accident report is suspended for your court date to discuss his or her findings. The accident report is additionally introduced as evidence in these claims.

Local Accident Attorney

The Law Offices of Michael Kotik and Thomas D. Kenny advocate the rights of accident victims by representing them in a court of law. Through these legal services they provide strong, viable claims that are supported by creditable evidence that is indisputable by the opposition. This evidence consists of the fine details related to the accident including proof of fault. To schedule a consultation with this law firm, you may contact them locally at the number listed on their website at website


Find a Personal Injury Lawyer In Philadelphia immediately after your accident to represent you in court. An accident attorney assists you in fighting for the benefits you deserve. These attorneys will help you first by gathering information pertaining to your case. Next they will construct a viable and sufficient claim to prove how and why your injuries occurred. He or she presents proof within court that links the injuries to the accused party. This link is either direct action or negligence. It is up to your preferred attorney to prove these concepts to the judge to ensure that you receive compensation.

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