Understanding The Creation Of Wills In Milwaukee

by | Aug 7, 2013 | Lawyers & Law Firms

Wills in Milwaukee present you with the opportunity to legalize your final wishes. Within a will, you state which family members receive your assets whether these assets are monetary or physical property. You can determine who receives guardianship of your minor children and create stipulations related to a trust fund that you may have created for your children. Your will can also establish your preferred funeral arrangements.

How to Create a Will:

Your Children

As you begin to create your will, the first consideration is to determine custody or guardianship for your children. Although your children may reach legal age before you die, it is always advisable to make this determination now while you still can. You should consider all provisions in terms of your children and state them clearly within your will. If you want a certain amount of your money or assets to be divided among your children, you can place these wishes within this section of your will. You should also clarify how these assets or funds are to be used if your children are minors at this time.

Your Home

If you owe a mortgage on your home, you should determine your wishes in terms of how these funds are sent to your lender. This is critically important if you want your children to remain in your home after your death. You will need to determine provisions for these payments or secure insurance that will pay off your property. It is also important to determine whose name should appear on the deed for this property.

Your Valuables

If you possess family heirlooms or other valuables, you should state who you want to receive them within your will. This will prevent any legal arguments among your family members. By addressing this issue you are legally granting ownership to the rightful owner and will know that your will is ironclad and is undeniable. Valuables encompass items such as jewelry, artwork, electronics, and automobiles. Ensure that you are clear when assigning ownership as this will prevent legal ramifications later.

Law Offices of Michael D. Sanger

The Law Offices of Michael D. Sanger provide services such as the creation of Wills in Milwaukee. This attorney comprehends the procedures require to legalize your final wishes. If you would like to schedule a meeting with this attorney, you can contact him at his local office.

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