When you find yourself struggling financially, and with a mountain of creditors always knocking on your door, it is very easy to feel hopeless and want to give up. However, anyone will be happy to know that there is hope somewhere that will brighten your gloomy day....
Month: June 2013
About Commercial Litigation in Rockland County
Commercial litigation involves any type of legal controversy that involves business issues and matters. Many types of cases fall under commercial litigation. These are such dissolution of business, breaches of contract, employment disputes, interference with different...
About Andrew K. Thomas
Andrew K. Thomas is a lawyer from Fairfax, Virginia. He was born in Washington D.C. Andrew started practicing law as an insurance defense lawyer. He joined the Dulaney Lauer Thomas law firm in 1996 and he has been a general partner with the firm from 1999. Andrew...
Benefits of Hiring a Divorce Attorney
A divorce is not always as simple as signing the divorce papers and filing those papers at the local courthouse. It can actually be quite an involved process, especially if there was never a prenuptial agreement in place before the marriage. For any divorce, a person...
What You Should Know Before Hiring a Divorce Attorney
A divorce can be a trying time for both a couple and for their family. It can also be confusing. It is important, if you are considering divorce in Northfield, NJ, that you consult with a professional divorce attorney. In addition to helping with the actual divorce,...